Tennessee Aquarium 2010 Trip

I don’t know if we’ll go every year or not, but last year and  this year a trip was planned.  Group rate really, really helps these days!  The best part of this years trip was that Veronica was old enough to really appreciate it.  At 2 years old, she had a wonderful time.   The seahorses and turtles were the big hits with her.  Personally I enjoyed the sting ray touch tank and the penguins.  As usual, I did not get many pictures.  However, I will post what I took. 

Around lunch time, after our tour, we were eating lunch with a few other families outside.  A short distance away from the picnic tables, there is an area where they have a man-made sort of creek that has 2 big steps going down into it (where people can sit) and stepping blocks and fun things like that.  Well, the children were all taking turns playing (at the lunch area) with the stroller and Veronica.  My back was to them, but I kept checking to make sure everything was OK.  The next think I know, Veronica is pushing the stroller towards this creek thing.  My first thought was where are her brothers that are watching her?  Well, they were busy doing their own thing.   Veronica pushed the stroller right down the two steps and it fell over and went in the creek!  I called for Kevin who was walking by to get the stroller out of the creek.  At that point, Veronica starts to scream and cry as if she has been hurt!  One man actually jumped into the creek as if to save a baby.   I was already on my way there and had to explain to a small crowd that Veronica was not in the stroller when it went over and that she, in fact, pushed it in herself.   She was dry and I had been watching.  One of the other Moms with me assured me that this would be funny in a few years.  Actually it didn’t take that long.  It is funny to me now!  There is never a dull moment, I tell you!



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